Having spent many years working with youth in wilderness and adventure therapy programs, we have seen the incredible value of these programs and the impact they can have on their clients. We have also seen on many occasions, the beautiful changes made at the program fade away after returning home for a time. We have come to recognize key principles and factors that are essential for creating a lasting change and it all starts with relationships. It is important for the parents and children to be on the same page and for parents to model what a healthy way of being looks like.
There are going to be conflicts and issues that arise during your “transition back into the home” period. One key element is having a common language to be able to express yourself responsibly as well as to resolve conflicts. It is likely that you have already learned this “language” as part of your previous therapy. We will use our adventure activities as a platform to practice essential communication. Exercising these tools with an unforgettable experience and environment will not only be connecting, but will also make it easier to reflect on lessons learned and to implement these tools in future situations.
“We cannot give our children what we don’t have. Where we are on our journey of living and loving with our whole hearts is a much stronger indicator of parenting success than anything we can learn from how-to books.”